Thursday, December 14, 2006

Weekend in Breck!!!

I spent last weekend with 9 close friends in a cabin in Brecken-
ridge! What an absolutely gorgeous location! We left Friday afternoon and I drove Bethany, Jon and myself in my new car. I'm proud to say that "Alex" did an amazing job and he was WAY fun to drive! We met up with Joy, Andy, Sarah and Blakely at a brewery/pub for lunch. I have to be honest- my Caesar salad left me wanting- but Bethany had some yummy quesadilla's that she shared! After lunch we met Tyson at Breckenridge where he'd spent the afternoon skiing. Then we headed to up the cabin to get ready to go out to dinner! We went to the Breckenridge brewery and had an awesome dinner!

After an awesome dinner we went back to the cabin and spent the rest of the night goofing off and playing games. I think we were all pretty tired and we ended up going to bed fairly early! I shared a bed with Sarah and Bethany and we laughed ourselves to sleep. I have NO idea who- but someone was making some obscene (yet funny!) noises and keep making up cheers that went something like "Give me a J...J!!! You got your J, you got your J! Give me an O...O!!! You got your O, you got your O!!!" Well, whoever it was, it was funny and soon we were exhaused and dfrifted off to sleep. The next morning I woke up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee and pancakes! I even got a mickey mouse pancake! Thanks Tyson!!!!
A few of our crew went skiing Saturday while the rest of us chilled in the cabin! At one point, there was 5 of us on the couch reading and it was a picture perfect setting! Who can beat a good
book, hot chocolate and friends?

We spent the afternoon reading, playing games and enjoying each other's company! When the rest of the gang got back, we enjoyed an amazing candlelight dinner, followed by an AWESOME Christmas gift exchange and then everyone's favorite movie "DUMB AND DUMBER!!!"

Me and Joy

Sarah and Nicole

Me and Bethany posing for a picture while making dinner!

Our spread! Aww- don't we look like one big happy family?

Before we knew it, our weekend at the cabin came to an end and we headed home. It was a really relaxing weekend and I wouldn't have chosen to spend it with anyone other than these people. I'm a lucky girl to have friends like these!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Weekend gettaway!!!

What could be better than spending a weekend with 9 of your closest friends in the Rockies? Not much!

About 2+ months ago, Sarah, Bethany, Jon and I ventured up to Breckenridge to check out a cabin Bethany found on the internet. The place seemed to be too good to be true so being the 'responsible' adults that we are (that's really funny!) we planned an outing to check it out! Truth is, who really needs an excuse to take a road trip into the Rockies eh? Despite a few minor setbacks (sorry Sarah!!!) we had a great day and the cabin was AMAZING!!!!! You could tell that we were all extremely excited at the idea of spending a weekend in this cabin with friends surrounded by God's creation. Bethany took all of the pictures in this post so that we could convince our friends it was a good idea. It didn't take a whole lot of convincing though!!!

The driveway was steep and there was over 6 inches of snow in September!!!

So this weekend 9 of us (Bethany, Jon, Andy, Joy, Sarah, Blake, Nicole, Sarah, Tyson and me) are spending the weekend at the cabin and I'm excited to see what lies ahead! Am I ready??? Of course not!!!!!!

Could this seriously be any more gorgeous?!?!?

Megan's to do list before she leaves:
*Buy a winter jacket (I found this really cute Columbia one that I've been eying for 3 days now!!)
*Get through a day and 1/2 of work
*Finish laundry
*Pack my stuff
*Get food organized and packed into my car
*Go to a Christmas party tonight
*Clean my bedroom/bathroom for company arriving Sunday night
*Prepare Riley for 2 days without me!
*Get extra blankets packed
*Purifying ritual!!!!
*Get directions for all the places we are going
*Pack my car
* Get in the car and LEAVE!!!!

Stick around for an update on our weekend!!!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


What is XANGO!?!?!? It's an incredible, all natural juice that comes from the Mangosteen fruit in Thailand. The fruit contains something called XANTHONES which act as an antioxident and fights all kinds of 'bad stuff' in the body.

True story: I'm a skeptic and my mom has ALWAYS been into natural products that she believes are 'miraculous.' To be honest, I started drinking XANGO to quiet her persistence but also figured, if this juice could help me with some of my ailments (asthma, migraines and other more personal pains) then it was worth a shot right? HONESTLY- I've noticed a huge difference! My headaches are less frequent and less intense, my asthma is in general under control and as soon as other pains occur, after a couple shots of Xango, I can honestly say that I feel better!!! Last summer when I was home in VA I got a weird rash on my arm (darn allergies!) and I rubbed some Xango on my arm at my mom's insistence. In an hour tops, I wasn't itching and the rash had all but disappeared. Not to mention it tastes REALLY GOOD!!! Anyway, don't just take my word for it...check out my mom's website below and if YOU ARE READY TO START FEELING BETTER, start drinking XANGO! Contact my mom, she'll give you the info!

A word from Donna:

Name: Donna Lake
Phone Number: 434-249-6366

I am blessed to have discovered this wonderful company and incredible juice! I think I may be one of the few distributors who actually got to taste the mangosteen fruit in Thailand before becoming a distributor! I was invited to be the guest of my dear friend Betty Q who won the trip Premier and she actually took me with her just for the FUN of it! I actually signed up on the internet while at the Mangosteen Spa and Resort in Phuket! It was the best decision I have ever made in terms of health wealth and seeing dreams come true. Join me on this adventure and see YOUR life change!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Christmas spirit

I love Christmas. I love everything about it; the houses decorated in lights reflecting off the white snow, the smell of smoke as it rises off a chimney, the corny Christmas advertisements on T.V. (what happened to the coca cola commercials with the polar bears?) the smell of cinnamon, cloves and ginger candles, the Christmas carols that play on the radio 24-7 as soon as Thanksgiving has passed, favorite Christmas movies (Home Alone and Elf!!!) The smell of Christmas cookies as they leave the oven fresh and hot! Christmas carols, the smell of the pines on a Christmas tree, the bustling rush of every mall and store for the entire month of December, Christmas musicals like A Christmas Carol and a Tuna Christmas. Cute scarves and matching mittens, hot chocolate with peppermint schnapps and weekends in the Rocky Mountains with friends. Icy roads and nights spent at home listening to Josh groban by candlelight. The song "Carol of the Bells" and "All I want for Christmas," the cheerful greetings of people you pass by on the sreets and the stores. Reading books like "The Worst Christmas Pagent Ever," roaring fires and popcorn; Tran siberian orchestra rocking it out, warm sweaters, and cute jackets. Christmas trees and ornaments, the Nutcracker and cheesy Hallmark movies. Playing canasta with family, drinking egg nog every chance you get and singing Les Mis followed by Amy Grant's Christmas while you decorate the tree, watching every movie you've missed for the past year with your family and sitting in a hot tub looking at the stars in good ole' VA.

Most of all I love those moments spent with loved ones, smiling and laughing, remembering the good times and hoping for the future. I love how the holiday's remind you of who's important and WHAT's important. Sometimes I wish it were Christmas all the time...but then it probably wouldn't be as special!

Christmas is the best time of year; a time when even though things are challenging this year, I'm reminded of how lucky I am. It's an awesome time to tell your friends I LOVE YOU- you've made a difference in my life. Hold your friends close and tell your family you love them even if you have told them a million times.

Most importantly, remember the little Baby who came to this earth to give you hope for a future.

Christmas 2006- it's gonna rock!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Less than a month until Christmas!!!! And the craziness ensues! Today I was updating my planner to make sure that I don't forget anything and I was reminded once again how amazingly blessed I am to be so busy!

What is Megan doing this month?

December 7: YFC Christmas party #1
December 8-10: Weekend up at the cabin!
December 10-11: YFC missionary, Sharon is staying with me
December 13: Going to see "A Christmas Carol" with Bethany downtown!!!!
December 14: YFC Christmas program...I'm singing! :-O
December 16: I go home for 10 days!!!!

I decided to create a post about the last year of my life. I'd like to call it "REFLECTING ON THE BLESSINGS" Enjoy!!!!

I'm thankful for new friendships:

Fun drives and goofy adventures:

To chapters ending...

and to new beginnings.....
(This is "Alexander the Great" aka "Alex")

For roomies...

And for oldest and dearest friends:

For friends far away:

And friends nearby:

For celebrations:

AND FOR FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For New Jobs:

For "Blah Moments"

And for laughter:

And most importantly I'm thankful for the CROSS:

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Seeing God's hand is amazing!

The last two weeks have been extremely difficult for me. I’m in a slump and it has been hard to pull myself out. It seems like my shoulder/rib pain overshadows everything else and quite frankly I've had a bad attitude. I’m frustrated, emotional and tired of dealing with entire ordeal. And yet, despite my attitude it seems like when I reach a low point, my Heavenly Father reaches down and offers me something sweet to remind me of finding my joy in Him.

Amazing blessing of the week (there have been more than one!):

My house in Ruckersville, VA

This last summer I had the opportunity to go to China on a two week mission trip with China Partner and Grace Chapel. When I realized that the Lord wanted me to go to China (a place I really DID NOT WANT TO GO) I told God that I would go if He opened up all of the doors I needed Him to in 30 minutes!!! HA! Never try to bargain with God!! He met and exceeded my 'criteria!'

My job not only gave me the two weeks off of work but paid me for two of the days as a community service project instead of using my vacation time. In addition I was able to raise the money I needed in a little over a month! And the final answer to my prayers was when my mom gave me her blessing to go to China. You my taking the trip to China, I was deciding that I wouldn't go home for Christmas. It’s always extremely important to both my mom and me that I am home for Christmas but this year it’s more important because my parents are moving in February and we have no idea where we’ll be next year for the holidays! The decision was emotionally hard but there was no doubt in either of our minds that I HAD to go to China!

The fam- my mom, dad, little sister and little bro!

As the holiday season has begun to creep up on us, I think I can speak for both my mom and me (and my entire family...)when I say the disappointment of my not coming home for Christmas had began to sink it and it was hard for both of us. Since I've switched jobs, the reason for my not coming home was more about money being tight than it was about not having the vacation. It's complicated...but trust me; we were both torn for several reasons! Anyway, last week I was going through a pile of mail which has been accumulating on my desk for weeks threatening to overrun my desk! I came across an envelope from Pulte (my old company) and opened it up. In it was a check for $300- enough to get me home!!!!!!!!!!!

My mom booked my flight for me today and I'm going home for 10 days! I'll be home a week before Christmas to help decorate and spend time with my family and I feel incredibly blessed!!! I will also have time to visit friends and those who support my ministry and cannot wait to catch up with them and hear about their lives! It's exciting because this will be the longest I've been home since I moved to Colorado and it couldn't be at a more perfect time.
The 'kids' and my baby girl, Shea.

So- December 16-26th I'll be home! God is good and He is our ultimate provider.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Prayer request

Today I went to the specialist my lawyer wanted me to see for my shoulder injury (from my car accident a year ago.) The verdict??? My doctor viewed the x-rays taken the day of my accident and thought he saw a fracture in my #2 rib. He said that if he was correct, then a bone growth/calcification would be evident on new x-rays. After the consultation (which included MORE poking and prodding) he concluded that he believed that my pain was due to a broken rib. SOO…I had more x-rays done and then he showed me what they revealed. Sure enough, it looks like there is a blurry white bulge on my rib which the doctor believes is due to my rib healing incorrectly. He has ordered a bone scan- which includes an injection of a radioactive fluid that will identify any factures and once we know what we are facing, we’ll talk solutions!

How does this make me feel? Well- to be honest, I have a lot of mixed emotions! I feel relieved that MAYBE we finally know what is wrong with my shoulder and I am anxious to fix the problem. I am scared about HOW we fix the problem…and I’m angry that if I do have a broken rib, that no one realized it sooner. I’ve seen many specialists, endured weeks of physical therapy and I’ve been on numerous medications for many possible injuries and if this is simply a broken rib, then it could have been fixed EASILY a year ago. Once a bone heals incorrectly, it can be harder to fix! Of course, ideas are flooding my head that they’ll have to break my rib again, re-set it and then let it heal. The fear of months of recuperation looms ominously in my mind. So, I’m anxious, READY for a fix, scared, bitter, and frustrated but most importantly I CHOOSE to remain patient and trusting.

I know that the Lord of the universe had His hand on my body the day of the accident, today and tomorrow and will continue to protect me. I pray for wisdom for my doctors and I pray for my own attitude and ask for your prayers as well!

One step closer to the end of this…

(see my car above which was totaled due to being hit by another car head on. At first glance, it doesn't look too bad does it?)

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Mom's visit

This last week my mom visited me in Den-vah!

Not many 25 year old women can say that their mom is their best friend and always has been- but I can! It was wonderful having her here and as I dropped her off at the airport this morning, a single tear slid down my face. It's probably the first tear I've allowed to fall in months! I can't quite explain it, but when mom is around, everything seems complete- like she (and the rest of my family too!) is the missing link. Saying goodbye gets easier but it's never ideal- and anyone who knows me at all, knows that I truly SUCK at goodbyes! :)

While she was here we spent a lot of time talking, enjoying movies and each other's company. We spent time with my friends (mom dominated at Texas Hold'em poker until I turned on the heat and won at the very end...) and she did a fabulous job of spending my money!!!!! HA! Actually, she simply encouraged me to allow myself some luxuries and I purchased my very first bed (queen size, doctor's choice and VERY comfortable!) and a really cute coffee table and matching side table. Well worth the money spent!! My mom also spent a lot of the week encouraging me and restoring a bit of the energy I've been lacking lately. She built me up and reminded me of all the amazing blessings I have in my life!

Lately, my shoulder has been hurting...a lot. For those of you who don't know, I was in an accident last October and I sustained a shoulder injury. Short end of the story is that I've had about 12 weeks of physical therapy and have seen several specialists and no one knows exactly what's wrong! I've been on numerous medications for muscle pain, nerve damage, you name it and nothing has worked. I've hired a lawyer to deal with the logistics of things and I'm seeing another specialist on Oct. 30th. In an effort to be able to identify clearly where my pain is, I'm not on any pain medicationother than ibuprofen and that doesn't always cut it! The day before mom arrived, I was literally nauseous from the pain but somehow just having my mama around, made things better! :)

Once again God has reminded me how lucky I am. I cannot control my circumstances and I cannot control many aspects of my life- but I can control my attitude and my reactions. GOD, the creator of this world has me in His hand and that's pretty amazing!

On the ministry front- I am extremely honored to be speaking at my church, Grace Chapel this Sunday at all of our services. In the morning services I will be interviewed about my mission experience in China (I asked if I could demonstrate the 'running man' dance which was a HUGE hit in China! :-P ) as well as commissioned as a missionary in those services! I was also interviewed on video and that will be shown at the morning services. On Sunday night at the 'GenX' service, I am co-leading worship and will be comissioned there as well! It's very exciting (I LOVE public speaking- especially about things I'm passionate about) and I feel honored to be able to share my heart with my church family!

Life isn't always easy, but God blesses my socks off!!!

Monday, October 16, 2006

How it all began...

Today it hit me. I've been in CO for over 2 years now!! If you'd told me three years ago I'd be living in CO, 15,000 miles from my family in a place where I knew practically no one, I would have laughed and said "whatever!" But here I am two years later in a place surrounded by new friends, mountains and a family of sorts that I wouldn't trade for the world.

Sunset over the Rockies

Two years ago, my best friend Joy and I moved to CO. Basically the short explaination for doing so is "why not???" It makes me laugh to remember how many times we took turns sharing our story to new aquaintances and friends in the past couple of years. It became a common phrase for one of us to pass the story off to the other by saying "bump Joy!" or "Bump Megan!" We told our story many, MANY times and each time we told it we became more and more confident in our decision as we watched a look of admiration cross the faces of our friends. But in all seriousness, the reason for our moving here for me can be explained simply as "we just knew." Joy is spontaneous while I am more methodical in my decision making process. The perfect balance in many ways- Joy often runs ahead full speed and I tend to be more cautious- together we go at a pretty decent speed! So when we both realized that Colorado was where we were supposed to be, we made the decision then and there. Six weeks later we had sold everything that wouldn't fit into our cars, quit our jobs and were on our way to COLORADO- to our great adventure.

Girls night out!!!! AND our Stylin' Colorado hairdo's!

Now two years later we are still here. A temporary change has taken on a more permanent least until BOSTON calls my name for real! ;) I won't pretend that there haven't been many ups and downs in the past couple of years. I've experienced heart break, disappointment, a car accident, two minor broken bones, homesickness and tears. But I've also made incredible friends, found a family away from family, found my little man Riley (my cat!,) created life long bonds, bought my first car on my own, found my dream job, and hopefully somewhere along the lines I've impacted HALF as many lives as those that have touched mine.

As I look ahead to the last few months in 2006, I can see some tough times ahead as I deal with a lawsuit (surrounding my car accident,) some frustrations as I deal with some physical pain, some disappointment as I say goodbye to some relationships- but the future is BRIGHT. Why? Because the Lord is covering my life with His hand and through all the difficult trials ahead, I see the shinning light of His promise. I see many more moments of joy- more smiles than tears, more laughter than hurt and I am continually blessed by the many, many friends I have.

God is good all the time. All the time, God is good.

Friday, October 13, 2006

The new job begins!

The handover has officially taken place and I've moved into my new office!

The first month of my life at YFC has flown by and I've learned so much I feel like my brain is bursting! I'm LOVING IT!!!!!!!!!!

I've been training for the past month with Sharron Wilen (see our cute picture?) and she has been an incredible blessing! She's patiently shown me the ropes and has provided me guidance and support! Working in a non-profit Christian organization in a ministry position is VERY different than working in corporate America and there have been moments when I wasn't sure if I had bitten off more than I could chew!! (HA HA!) But Sharron was there to answer questions and reassured me on numerous occassions that I was exactly who they'd been looking and praying for to fill the position.

So why was I feeling the heat so intensely?

After two weeks of training, Sharron and I started preparing for Candidate School. CS as it's affectionately called is primarily my responsibility to plan and organize. It's a week long orientation/training for all of our missionary candidates. Anyone who wants to serve overseas for more than 6 months comes to Candidate School so that they can get a feel for YFC and so that YFC can get to know the candidate. During the intense 7 day orientation, the staff rarely sits down!!!!! So- I was WAY excited to dive into the preparation for CS but this didn't turn out to be a normal CS. We had not one, but FOUR last minute candidates register. Normally, you work on processing someone to come to CS for several months before they actually arrive and it's normal to have one person register last minute- but NOT 4!!!! So imagine if you will...trying to train in a new position (that's sort of a foreign career to you...) while DOING the new position, planning for your first 7 day orientation and then in the meantime, having four people join in at the last minute. Do not get me wrong, PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!! But OHMYGOSH!!! Sharron and I barely sat down the week before and my head was overflowing with new responsibilities and even the lingo in the office was foreign!

On one particular day, I felt like I was going to either burst into tears or maniacal laughter at the amount of pressure I was feeling. So in true-Megan-like-fashion I brought my hand to my head and pretended to faint in front of my team as they were discussing what still needed to be done. It was a complete joke and everyone burst into laughter as I lay on the floor pretending to hyperventilate while proclaiming that they were going to kill me with all this craziness!!! My supervisor began laughing even harder than the rest of the team and finally said "Megan, I'd like to introduce you to the president of Youth for Christ International." I was lying face down on the floor at this point still putting on a scene and I felt my heart stop at this point. I barely looked up-I couldn't! I was mortified. Iinstead I stuck my hand up in the air and said into the floor "Nice to meet you. I'm Megan." He took my hand and burst into laughter exclaiming "what are you doing to this girl?" We all laughed and I pulled myself together grateful that it seemed like this group was going to be more than okay with the dramatic theatrics that I sometimes like to pull out for sheer laughs.

Candidate School went off like a charm- not without a lot of minor blunders- but it was awesome! I had an absolute blast with the missionaries and got to spend a lot of time one on one with them. We dove into deep conversations about life, faith and our pursuit of God's desire for our lives. I went to dinner with them several nights, participated in their devotions and even led one of my own! I co-led worship with one of the girls who wanted to lead music in Botswana, Africa and swapped stories with Lauren who is leaving for Benin in less than a year! She was the first candidate I processed through and it's obvious that we have an awesome connection!

I can tell that CS is going to be one of my absolute favorite parts of this job!!!! I loved laughing, connecting and sharing with these people and hearing their stories was inspiring. So although this CS was crazy (and I vow that preparations for the next one will be smoother) it was amazing! I left CS two days early to travel to VA with a heavy heart since I had to say goodbye. Each one of these candidates touched my heart in a very special way! I've attached the picture of my very first CANDIDATE SCHOOL CLASS!!!!!!!!! Enjoy :)


Monday, October 09, 2006

Keeping ya in the loop!

I vow to get better at keeping my blog updated!!!

I've been working for YFC for a month now and what an incredible season of growth and excitement it has been! There have been some ups and downs during moments where I've felt like I bit off more than I could chew but I can truly see growth during those times as well.

Let me back up and tell you how I found this position- or how God found me. I've always had a passion for people and relationships and I know that I'm gifted in organization, planning and thanks to my dad, I have a knack for managing people. Six months ago I gave a final speech in my Dale Carnegie class that revealed my desire to eventually to work full time in missions. My ideal job? To eventually run a non-profit missions organization that planned and sent missionaries overseas to serve. In my picture perfect world, my future husband and I would manage the organization from the states during the year and then each year we would embark upon short term mission trips with our children giving them the opportunity to have all the blessings of growing up in the US while being exposed to other cultures and experiences. I've known since I was a young child, that my heavenly Father had called me to serve in missions but have never known how exactly...until now!

A month after expressing this desire (in a corporate America leadership class) I met Bethany through a women's Bible study I had helped to start. She and I became fast friends and I found myself sharing my dreams of working in ministry. She mentioned that her dad, David Schultz worked for YFC/USA in Project Serve and that I should get together with them for dinner just to share my heart. I did and when I left there house I had a name and a phone number for Benjamin Royal with World Outreach. Only by God's timing and maneuvering I was offered the position of Missionary Candidate Processor the night before I left for a short term mission to China. Royal called to pray with me before I left for my trip and I got off the phone with him and flooded with emotions. I couldn't believe this was happening to me!!!

Upon my life changing experience in China, I knew that there was no other choice but to accept the position with World Outreach! I couldn't imagine myself doing anything other than sharing God's good news and supporting missionaries as they go overseas. If I could help encourage and support others to participate in trips similar to my experience in China, I was ready and willing! I put in my two weeks notice at Pulte Mortgage the day after I returned from China and was met by an overwhelming amount of support from my co-workers! The Lord affirmed me over and beyond what I could have expected by emails from co-workers, flowers, balloons, tears, hugs and words of kindness. Tom, the man I shared a wall with in the cube farm, wrote me an email that said he couldn't imagine anyone more perfect for my new job and that I made him want to be a better person. He told me he was proud of me and I was brought to tears. No matter how often I had complained about my circumstances in the past year (I was injured in a car accident and am involved in a lawsuit) or how often I had had a bad attitude, the Lord somehow penetrated through my selfishness and had used me to touch my co-workers. I was humbled and so grateful! The day I left Pulte was bittersweet as I said goodbye to seeing people who had become dear to my heart. But I looked ahead with great anticipation and excitement!

The Lord was going to rock my world...and I could feel it!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Dream job

This week I began my dream job!!!

I'm working for Youth For Christ/USA (World Outreach division) and I cannot even tell you what a blessing it is. I never thought that at the age of 25, that I would have a job that combined not only my gifts but my passions. I am the Missionary Candidate Recruiter/Processor. Basically I walk missionaries through the process of becoming a missionary from the beginning to the end. I answer their initial inquiries and then as they continue the process, I am their support, their encouragement. As Royal, my manager summed it up, I am "a missionary to the missionaries." In addition, I will eventually be a credentialed full time missionary and I am going to be trained to lead short term mission trips as often as every year! I know that I'm not called at this time to full time overseas missions, but it has been on my heart to use my administrative talents to do the organizing and the planning side of missions full time, and then lead short term missions. I had no idea that such a position existed! Now here I that very position (full story at a another time.)

It's been an emotional week- because I'm so overwhelmed, but in a GREAT way! It's obvious that people at YFC want to KNOW me and not just on the surface. They desire to know my heart, my soul and my mind. That can be intimidating as I tend to open up a bit more slowly and they tend to dive right in to the personal matters. There have been moments where my natural inclination is to shrink back but somehow my manager, supervisor and the woman training me have been able to coax me to relax and express myself. I think it's because they honestly CARE and desire to have a relationship with me. What a difference between corporate America and working for a Non-profit Christian organization. Here, the focus isn't on money and getting ahead but instead on how to love people and how to spread the good news of our Lord and Savior.

It is my desisre to share my life on this blog. Not only what the Lord is doing in my ministry/job but what He is doing in my life. It is my desire to know YOU, and to walk with YOU on this journey. I'm excited for the Lord has in store and I'm excited to be able to share with you, my family and friends.

After only 3 days, I'm tired and have so much to do but I cannot even begin to tell you how excited, humbled and honred I am to be used in the ministry to tell the world of Jesus' love for each of us! I hope you enjoy :) Stay tuned...