Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Almost a full year later!

Good grief! I stink at keeping this bad boy updated!!!! So, the last time I wrote was Sept. 07- how exactly am I supposed to do a speedy update on 8 months??? Let's try! :-D Here are just the highlights for now...

November 2007

My best friends got married and I was the MOH! It was probably the most fun wedding I've ever been part of. I love Mr. and Mrs. Andy Getz!

January 2008
Good friend comes home!

Sara's back from Samoa!

Candidate Orientation- More missionaries to the field!

February 2008
MidWinter in California and then a visit with Joy and Andy

DD & Me in San Diego

Joy and I spent a lot of time on the beach.

Jr. High Winter retreat

April 2008- Candidate Orientation

More crazy times in youth group!

May 2008
I sang in the wedding of LeeAnn and Preston McBrayer- two close friends and YFC missionaries to New Zealand

Crazy but good life!

LOVE! Megs