I've been working for YFC for a month now and what an incredible season of growth and excitement it has been! There have been some ups and downs during moments where I've felt like I bit off more than I could chew but I can truly see growth during those times as well.
Let me back up and tell you how I found this position- or how God found me. I've always had a passion for people and relationships and I know that I'm gifted in organization, planning and thanks to my dad, I have a knack for managing people. Six months ago I gave a final speech in my Dale Carnegie class that revealed my desire to eventually to work full time in missions. My ideal job? To eventually run a non-profit missions organization that planned and sent missionaries overseas to serve. In my picture perfect world, my future husband and I would manage the organization from the states during the year and then each year we would embark upon short term mission trips with our children giving them the opportunity to have all the blessings of growing up in the US while being exposed to other cultures and experiences. I've known since I was a young child, that my heavenly Father had called me to serve in missions but have never known how exactly...until now!
A month after expressing this desire (in a corporate America leadership class) I met Bethany through a women's Bible study I had helped to start. She and I became fast friends and I found myself sharing my dreams of working in ministry. She mentioned that her dad, David Schultz worked for YFC/USA in Project Serve and that I should get together with them for dinner just to share my heart. I did and when I left there house I had a name and a phone number for Benjamin Royal with World Outreach. Only by God's timing and maneuvering I was offered the position of Missionary Candidate Processor the night before I left for a short term mission to China. Royal called to pray with me before I left for my trip and I got off the phone with him and flooded with emotions. I couldn't believe this was happening to me!!!

Upon my life changing experience in China, I knew that there was no other choice but to accept the position with World Outreach! I couldn't imagine myself doing anything other than sharing God's good news and supporting missionaries as they go overseas. If I could help encourage and support others to participate in trips similar to my experience in China, I was ready and willing! I put in my two weeks notice at Pulte Mortgage the day after I returned from China and was met by an overwhelming amount of support from my co-workers! The Lord affirmed me over and beyond what I could have expected by emails from co-workers, flowers, balloons, tears, hugs and words of kindness. Tom, the man I shared a wall with in the cube farm, wrote me an email that said he couldn't imagine anyone more perfect for my new job and that I made him want to be a better person. He told me he was proud of me and I was brought to tears. No matter how often I had complained about my circumstances in the past year (I was injured in a car accident and am involved in a lawsuit) or how often I had had a bad attitude, the Lord somehow penetrated through my selfishness and had used me to touch my co-workers. I was humbled and so grateful! The day I left Pulte was bittersweet as I said goodbye to seeing people who had become dear to my heart. But I looked ahead with great anticipation and excitement!
The Lord was going to rock my world...and I could feel it!

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