In exactly 5 days, I will board a plane with a one-way ticket in hand to Europe! I land in Frankfurt, Germany on the 14th and after two days of 'in-processing' I will join up with many other "MCYM'ers" to kick off my new chapter with an event called Welcome/Goodbye. The event is the start of another year; everyone says welcome to the newbies (me!) and goodbye to those returning to the states to pursue another avenue. I can only imagine that it's an experience that evokes plenty of varying emotions and for me, it's no different.
What am I doing? Well, I'm moving to SHAPE, Belgium to be the Associate Director of a military youth ministry program called Club Beyond and my assignment will last at least 3 years. That's right! In the past few weeks, I've sold almost everything I owned, packed what I wanted to take with me in 13 boxes and shipped those to Belgium, sold my car, ended one job, packed my clothes into two suitcases, moved out of my apartment, helped settle my cat Riley into his foster-home, enjoyed several incredible going away parties, was commissioned by my church and then boarded a plane to visit VA and my family one last time before I headed overseas. I have never been so exhausted in my entire life and yet I've also never felt so alive and at peace with a decision! The next big adventure that awaits me is full of unknowns and excitement and I'm completely ready despite the myriad of emotions!
Last week my best friend Joy and her hubby Andy flew to Denver to surprise me for my going away party. I cannot tell you how elated I was to see them and words cannot possible expressed how blessed I am to have the most incredible friends in the world! Friday night they organized a walk down memory lane to celebrate my life in Colorado.
It started with an email that essentially told me that at 4:30pm I needed to be ready with a camera, phone, tissue and car keys in hand. I would receive an email and I was supposed to decipher the clue and head to the destination it indicated. I was ecstatic because these kinds of games are right up my alley! The first location was Sweetwater Park, the place where many of my friends played UF together and the location I met Blakely at for the first time. I arrived and found Sarah and Blake- they stood up and we chit-chatted for a minute, took a picture and they handed me another clue.
The next clue led us to Peaberry Coffee and we found Nick and Kara Moseley waiting for us. It was then that I realized that this scavenger hunt created so that I would find all my dearest friends at places that were meaningful to us. Next, we found Sara Monroe at Ted's Montana Grill, then Bethany at that YFC office and finally Jon and Hannah at Grace Chapel! Jon handed me the final clue which I deciphered to mean we were going to my favorite restaurant in Castle Rock, the Rock Yard. On the drive there I thought to myself about how this picture didn't feel complete because Rock Yard was my restaurant and favorite haunt with Joy- oh how I wished she was there with me!

As I sat (with my back to the window as 'slyly' instructed by my friends) and looked at the menu, Joy and Andy walked into the restaurant! I couldn't help it...I screeched! I was so excited!!!! The night was amazing. Joy and Andy were there for the entire weekend and I just spent time laughing and feeling special and it was the most incredible night I've had in a long time. I felt so incredibly loved by my friends. They had been working on the plan for 3+ months and everything had been planned to make me feel special and to see how loved I was.

The next day was my going away party and friends stopped by and played Baggo, enjoyed a drink and ate good food. Again, I felt so special and loved by my friends! What a special weekend.

Now, it's July 8th and I'm spending my final few days in the US with my family. Mom and I stayed up late last night talking and playing cards, dad and I went shopping today and it's been a great first day. I can hardly believe that the past year, my journey, has come full circle and I'm getting ready for the next adventure. Life in full time youth BELGIUM!!!!
Sit back- the adventure is going to be exciting!
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