I arrived on the 14th after probably the BEST flight ever! That's right...it was a great flight! I had an entire row to myself and actually slept for 3-4 hours. I arrived in Frankfurt and drove to Heidelberg and experienced miracle #2. NO JET LAG!!! Somehow, my body caught up immediately and I didn't experience jet lag. Pretty incredible!
I spent the first week in Germany at the MCYM-Club Beyond Welcome/Goodbye conference and it was wonderful. I think above all else the coolest part was connecting with people that share the same passions as I do; a love for Jesus Christ and a passion for loving teenagers. I met a lot of amazing people, laughed a ton and thoroughly enjoyed my first week in Europe.
Top 10:
1. Every evening I found someone new to hang out with and to connect with on some level. Sometimes it was in long and deep talks about life and other times it was playing silly games while having a glass of wine. Whatever I was doing, it was awesome!
2. Jessica Barlow organized a little surprise birthday celebration for me which was way special!
3. I made some incredibly awesome new friends.
(left:Jessica and me
Below and left: Me, Jess, Elizabeth and Stacie)
4. One afternoon we toured around a little German city called Calw and we sat at a really cute outdoor cafe and drank cappuccinos! AND, I bought some really cute earrings. A definite plus!

5. During my "welcome" I felt extremely special and blessed to be part of the Club Beyond family. Everyone was so encouraging about me 'finally' being in Europe and a part of the family. I felt loved instantly!
6. Pam Fulton's back rubs. Enough said.
7. These amazing bread things that you roast over an open fire!!!
8. Leading worship with Ron. For some reason, that was really special!
9. Being in an incredibly beautiful part of Germany, the Black Forest!
10. Seeing God's hands in EVERYTHING! He has constantly surprised me and met my every need so far. It was a very encouraging first week!
(Left: me and Dale- he's been an encouragement through this entire process!)
Last night we arrived in Belgium and today we began my in-processing. I think it's safe to say it didn't go exactly as hoped...but that's okay! We hit a few logistical snags in getting my id's which are pretty much necessary for EVERYTHING! But I got to hang out with Tim and get a feel for the area I'll be serving so let's focus on the good things!
Top 5 for the first day at SHAPE:
1. I got my first glance at my awesome new office! It's so cute and has a great view and the summer interns decorated it to make me feel welcomed and special. SO cool!
2. I was surprised by one of the high school girls I met in February when she called and offered me two wireless phones, a wireless internet modem and some rugs for my future home!
3. I ran into 3 high school girls that I met back in Feb. and they seemed genuinely excited that I was coming on staff. I cannot wait to connect more with the teenagers here!
4. I got my first international cell phone...and it's cute!!! (Navy blue!)
5. Again, just the cool ways God provides and reveals Himself. So special!
More as the journey unfolds. Thanks for being a part of my story!
I love you megan!! I miss hanging out with yoyu and i hope that god keeps providing in your life!
P.S. My trip was awesome! God really reveald himself to me in soooo many ways!