I spent last weekend with 9 close friends in a cabin in Brecken-
ridge! What an absolutely gorgeous location! We left Friday afternoon and I drove Bethany, Jon and myself in my new car. I'm proud to say that "Alex" did an amazing job and he was WAY fun to drive! We met up with Joy, Andy, Sarah and Blakely at a brewery/pub for lunch. I have to be honest- my Caesar salad left me wanting- but Bethany had some yummy quesadilla's that she shared! After lunch we met Tyson at Breckenridge where he'd spent the afternoon skiing. Then we headed to up the cabin to get ready to go out to dinner! We went to the Breckenridge brewery and had an awesome dinner!

After an awesome dinner we went back to the cabin and spent the rest of the night goofing off and playing games. I think we were all pretty tired and we ended up going to bed fairly early! I shared a bed with Sarah and Bethany and we laughed ourselves to sleep. I have NO idea who- but someone was making some obscene (yet funny!) noises and keep making up cheers that went something like "Give me a J...J!!! You got your J, you got your J! Give me an O...O!!! You got your O, you got your O!!!" Well, whoever it was, it was funny and soon we were exhaused and dfrifted off to sleep. The next morning I woke up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee and pancakes! I even got a mickey mouse pancake! Thanks Tyson!!!!

A few of our crew went skiing Saturday while the rest of us chilled in the cabin! At one point, there was 5 of us on the couch reading and it was a picture perfect setting! Who can beat a good
book, hot chocolate and friends?

We spent the afternoon reading, playing games and enjoying each other's company! When the rest of the gang got back, we enjoyed an amazing candlelight dinner, followed by an AWESOME Christmas gift exchange and then everyone's favorite movie "DUMB AND DUMBER!!!"

Me and Joy

Sarah and Nicole

Me and Bethany posing for a picture while making dinner!

Our spread! Aww- don't we look like one big happy family?
Before we knew it, our weekend at the cabin came to an end and we headed home. It was a really relaxing weekend and I wouldn't have chosen to spend it with anyone other than these people. I'm a lucky girl to have friends like these!