Today I went to the specialist my lawyer wanted me to see for my shoulder injury (from my car accident a year ago.) The verdict??? My doctor viewed the x-rays taken the day of my accident and thought he saw a fracture in my #2 rib. He said that if he was correct, then a bone growth/calcification would be evident on new x-rays. After the consultation (which included MORE poking and prodding) he concluded that he believed that my pain was due to a broken rib. SOO…I had more x-rays done and then he showed me what they revealed. Sure enough, it looks like there is a blurry white bulge on my rib which the doctor believes is due to my rib healing incorrectly. He has ordered a bone scan- which includes an injection of a radioactive fluid that will identify any factures and once we know what we are facing, we’ll talk solutions!
How does this make me feel? Well- to be honest, I have a lot of mixed emotions! I feel relieved that MAYBE we finally know what is wrong with my shoulder and I am anxious to fix the problem. I am scared about HOW we fix the problem…and I’m angry that if I do have a broken rib, that no one realized it sooner. I’ve seen many specialists, endured weeks of physical therapy and I’ve been on numerous medications for many possible injuries and if this is simply a broken rib, then it could have been fixed EASILY a year ago. Once a bone heals incorrectly, it can be harder to fix! Of course, ideas are flooding my head that they’ll have to break my rib again, re-set it and then let it heal. The fear of months of recuperation looms ominously in my mind. So, I’m anxious, READY for a fix, scared, bitter, and frustrated but most importantly I CHOOSE to remain patient and trusting.
I know that the Lord of the universe had His hand on my body the day of the accident, today and tomorrow and will continue to protect me. I pray for wisdom for my doctors and I pray for my own attitude and ask for your prayers as well!
One step closer to the end of this…
(see my car above which was totaled due to being hit by another car head on. At first glance, it doesn't look too bad does it?)