Phew- the last few weeks have been awesome, exciting and exhausting all at the same time! It's been hard to catch my breath at times...I went to MidWinter in Dallas back in February and had an amazing time of worship and learning alongside over 500 other fellow YFC'ers from around the country. When I wasn't in the general sessions of worship and teachings or in the break out sessions, I was manning the recruitment table telling people about ministry opportunities in World Outreach.
Above: Worship at MidWinter-AMAZING!
I returned to the office rejuvenated and went full steam ahead! It's been a fruitful season as I'm very busy with potential missionaries coming in the door as well as serving missionaries departing to the field! I've been blessed to meet and serve alongside some amazing followers of Christ and be part of their journey.
Sara in Cape Town, S. Africa
Youth camp in Geneva
My job has kept me very busy and I am falling more in love with it everyday as I learn more and more! I can honestly say that my relationship with Christ grows daily as I am surrounded by His Majesty.
I traveled to Siloam Springs, Arkansas at the beginning of March to recruit at John Brown University and had a kick butt time flying into OK, renting a car by myself, staying in my own hotel room with a KING SIZED BED, and recruiting at the college. It's true that I've technically been an adult for years now but I have to admit, I feel even more grown up now after taking my first official business trip alone! The trip was fun and yet challenging- I spent a lot of time by myself (an adventure is always more fun when it's shared!) and I was disappointed that I didn't get to talk to more people. I probably wouldn't have been entirely satisfied even if I'd talked to the entire student body though- that's JUST HOW MUCH I LOVE TALKING ABOUT SERVING OTHERS!! However, the people I did get a chance to interact with were awesome and I hope that more than a couple of the potential recruits will serve with YFC/World Outreach in the near future!
What else is new in the life of Megan? Well...I will be traveling a lot in the next few months! I start off by vacationing in Arizona with Bethany at the beginning of April and I cannot wait! I am going to do NOTHING- and I mean NOTHING!!! We are staying at B's grandmother's condo, using her car, her golf cart, her pool etc! We are already dreaming up fun ideas of how to indulge- pedicures, massages, eating yummy food, drinking good wine, and getting a tan!!! I am going to leave my PDA, my lap top, my day planner etc at home as I REFUSE to check email or do anything unless I feel like it!!! I'm going to get some good books, listen to my new IPOD and enjoy the warm sun on my face!
May: I'm moving!!!!! That's right! I'm moving into my own place with my little man, Riley. At this point, it looks like we'll literally move right across the parking lot to a really cute one bedroom apartment where Riley will have plenty of sun to bask in as we will face south! I'm really looking forward to decorating and having my own safe haven to escape the traffic of life! This is the building I'll be living in...minus the snow...I HOPE!
Camping Trip: The first 07 camping trip for Grace Chapel young adults will be the weekend after I move...and of course I'm helping plan for the adventure! We reserved my favorite campsite at...WELLINGTON LAKE!!!! I'll post pictures for sure... :-D
June: Oh man...I will have barely moved into my new place before the traveling REALLY begins! I leave for Summer Institute with my fellow YFC'ers the beginning of June for 10 days of training/orientation in Indiana. I'm uber excited because I'll get to spend some quality time with some of the missionaries I've gotten to know in the past year. Lauren and I are going to room together so I'm excited to see what kind of trouble we can get in to :-D She has become a dear friend to me and I'm looking forward to some quality Lauren time!
I return to the office for a week before it's off to MONTERREY, MEXICO with Bill Springston and the MCYM project serve trip! I am not sure of all the details yet but I do know that I'm going to learn under Bill as a co-leader and we' hope to have around 50 Military youth with us. I cannot wait and I know that I will learn and grow in awesome ways!
July: I return from Mexico and leave the next day for Yellowstone Natl. Park to join my family for our family reunion!!! It'll be an awesome time to see some supporters and family members that I haven't seen in awhile...not to mention I get some time with my mom, dad, Judy and Dick!!!
I return from Yellowstone and my birthday is the following are we going camping??? I'm not sure if I'll be up to it but I'm thinking YES!!!!! Either way, my mom will most likely be coming for a visit sometime in July as well!
So, life is great! The Lord continues to bless me immensely; New relationships, a car I love, my lawsuit is coming to an end hopefully in the next month, a new home, a new IPOD, a job that I love going to everyday, friends that I adore and who love me, and a family who I remain close to despite the physical distance that separates us. Spring is around the corner and a new chapter in my life has begun!!! Oh- and I actually have hit my goal in fundraising two months in a row!!!!!!
I'll update ya'll as things in my life unfold! For now, thank you for your friendship and love.
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