What was supposed to be the hottest day of the year, quickly turned into a sandstorm with chilly winds and rain! But that didn't stop me!!! :) The ocean was calling my name and it was my first trip to the North Sea. As soon as Angella, the kids and I arrived at the beach, I took a few pictures and headed for the water with Gracie. She tolerated the waves for awhile but soon wanted to run back to the shore and play in the sand so I happily splashed through the water and spent the next hour and a half diving through the waves.

We were in a really cute town called Bleckenburg I think, and I couldn't get over the strange realization that I was in a very familiar feeling beach town but was surrounded by European architecture! It was crazy.
I'm not sure if I can really put how I felt into words but I felt exhilarated in the water and free. I felt like myself which was nice because it's been hard to 'feel like myself' in a place that is NOT like myself. I felt independent and intelligent, in a strange way! You see, I've grown up near the beach and to reconnect with the tide, to know how to avoid being crushed, to understand how the undertoe pulls was important to me. I know how to swim and feel completely at ease despite the fact that I'm being tossed by rough and intense waves. I haven't felt like that since I arrived in Europe, partly because everything is new to me here. I don't know how to speak the language, don't know how to drive my stick shift car, don't know my way around, don't understand the processes going on around me and certainly feel lost most of the time. While I was in the waves, I didn't feel any of those things and it was nice for a short time. Anyway, enough of my deep and yet insignificant ramblings! :) It was a great experience for me and I can't wait to go back!!!