This week I began my dream job!!!
I'm working for Youth For Christ/USA (World Outreach division) and I cannot even tell you what a blessing it is. I never thought that at the age of 25, that I would have a job that combined not only my gifts but my passions. I am the Missionary Candidate Recruiter/Processor. Basically I walk missionaries through the process of becoming a missionary from the beginning to the end. I answer their initial inquiries and then as they continue the process, I am their support, their encouragement. As Royal, my manager summed it up, I am "a missionary to the missionaries." In addition, I will eventually be a credentialed full time missionary and I am going to be trained to lead short term mission trips as often as every year! I know that I'm not called at this time to full time overseas missions, but it has been on my heart to use my administrative talents to do the organizing and the planning side of missions full time, and then lead short term missions. I had no idea that such a position existed! Now here I am...in that very position (full story at a another time.)
It's been an emotional week- because I'm so overwhelmed, but in a GREAT way! It's obvious that people at YFC want to KNOW me and not just on the surface. They desire to know my heart, my soul and my mind. That can be intimidating as I tend to open up a bit more slowly and they tend to dive right in to the personal matters. There have been moments where my natural inclination is to shrink back but somehow my manager, supervisor and the woman training me have been able to coax me to relax and express myself. I think it's because they honestly CARE and desire to have a relationship with me. What a difference between corporate America and working for a Non-profit Christian organization. Here, the focus isn't on money and getting ahead but instead on how to love people and how to spread the good news of our Lord and Savior.
It is my desisre to share my life on this blog. Not only what the Lord is doing in my ministry/job but what He is doing in my life. It is my desire to know YOU, and to walk with YOU on this journey. I'm excited for the Lord has in store and I'm excited to be able to share with you, my family and friends.
After only 3 days, I'm tired and have so much to do but I cannot even begin to tell you how excited, humbled and honred I am to be used in the ministry to tell the world of Jesus' love for each of us! I hope you enjoy :) Stay tuned...